Shelby Township Dentist Explains Root Canal Retreatment Surgery and Grafting

Dr Antolak: This is Dr. Antolak from . Here at the dental office here in Shelby Township, Michigan we do a whole host of different types of dental treatments. And today we have Doug and Doug has agreed that we can video tape us doing a typical surgery on a tooth that had a root canal done.

This thing has been constantly giving him problems over time. So I’ll show you on the x ray here. This is the x ray here and this is molar tooth and right in here he’s had this chronic area on this 1 root of the tooth. That’s been constantly getting reinfected and so we’re going to do a procedure where we will actually take part of that filling of the area, and we’re cleaning out the infection, we’re going to put a grafting material inside of there. So Doug has agreed that we can go ahead and do that. So what we’re going to end up doing here is a little graphic so if you don’t like any blood, then don’t watch this please. You can stop right now, but you can, come on in and I’ll show you some area that we’re doing here.

So this is begin suction right now. So this is the area right here that we’re working on. This tooth has had a root canal a number of times. And right in here is where we did a, what we call, a flap right here and right in here this is all soft and this is actually infected area right here. And so we are going to clean this out. I have Doug plenty numbed up.

And we’re going to clean this, all this infection up that’s created a chronic problem for him and so we’re going to clean it up and then go from there.

This is the area right in here and the root.

There are 3 roots on this tooth, and this root comes down in here. And as I clean out the infection, then it will expose the root a little bit better. But I want to clean all this infection out. We’ll see how that’s going from there.

Okay. So, this is actually the one root of the tooth. We can see it here, and that little orange spot right there is actually part of the root canal, the filling that’s filled the root canal. And so what we’re going to do is we’re just going to come here and just shorten that up a little bit in that area, and then fill that up from behind and then fill this area up.

His sinus is very, very infected in this area. He’s having some problems with that in the past so we’re going to go ahead and do that.

So this is the material right here it’s called MTA. It’s funny because this is almost like… you can consider it like porcelain cement. Sterilized porcelain cement what this wind up being. So but it’s amazing what they found it to be very compatible with the body, and you can do all kind of repairs in it.

So it’s got to remain a little damp. So it will remain damp. What we’re going to do is this is a reabsorb-able in other words, it will shrink down since he actually does have his sinuses there. But his sinus cavity is so inflamed and infected that it literally poked right through here. He’s been having, he says he’s been having problems with it for years.

So, what I’m doing here is, this is just going to be a little dapple. It’s going to prevent this grafting material that we’re going to use to, getting too far into where the sinuses are.

Dental Assistant: I see what you’re saying, gotcha. I can help in the sink.

Dr. Antolak: Okay, do you have that synthegraph mixed?

Dental Assistant: Yes.

Dr. Antolak: So we’re going to use a synthetic grafting material that contains the components to turn this into bone, over time.

Dental Client: Is that cadaver bone?

Dr. Antolak: No. It’s not. It’s called calcium tri-phosphate. So we just place that in here.

Dr. Antolak: So we went ahead and complete everything and we put some stitches in. So right now, we put some stitches in there, and then we put this, actually it’s a surgical super glue. And it’s going to hold these stitches nice and tight. But the flap we have, we have to raise it like this, and it’s going to approximate now, and it’s going to heal and it’ll allow just everything to heal up.

So this procedure is coming to a close here, literally a close. And my hope is for Doug that with these, I’m going to give him some antibiotics to take. And the grafting that we did, and the placement of that membrane and everything’s going to stay stationary and allow bone to heal in that area and hopefully we’ll see a good healing and recovering from that.

Okay, very good. All right I’m going to sit Doug up, and see if there are any comments you want to make. Now how long have you been having a problem…?

Dental Client: Sinus, about two to three years.

Dr. Antolak: Two to three years.

Dental Client: The infection above the gum line, probably from the last six months.

Dr. Antolak: So it’s basically made it’s point, it’s gone beyond the sinus. Open that area and also teeth can be responsible. When teeth are infected and going near the sinuses that can also create excess infections from the teeth. So, the teeth and the health of the gums and enamel is really critical for long term health so to take care of your teeth.

Shelby Township Dentist Explains Root Canal Retreatment Surgery and Grafting

But, if you have any questions about root canal treatment and dentistry, you could contact us at or 586-247-3500. Again it’s going to be located in Shelby Township, Michigan, thank you.

Shelby Township Dentist Explains Root Canal Retreatment Surgery and Grafting