Throughout the course of our lifetime, we hear many different things regarding our oral health. While there is always a new technology coming out for teeth whitening or cavity prevention, there are a few tactics that remain tried and true. By developing good habits, your oral care routine can go a long way towards making sure your smile is healthy and bright for years to come. While some of the following 5 habits may not be new to you, it’s always good to have a refresher to make sure you are covering all your bases when it comes to your smile!

Battle the Bacteria

Oral Health - Dentist, Shelby Twp., MIEnemy number one when it comes to a healthy mouth is bacteria. Bacteria as it relates to oral health can take many forms. Bacteria on your teeth can cause cavities, while bacteria around your gums can result in gum disease if not taken care of. To battle these many types of bacteria, it’s important to brush and floss daily. By developing good brushing and flossing habits, you will be making a huge step towards fighting off any bacteria in your mouth.

Limit Your Sugary Drinks and Coffee 

As delicious as they may be, soda and other sugary beverages can do a lot of harm to your teeth if you enjoy them frequently. Just like soda, coffee can also cause damage to your teeth. While the damage may not be as much in the form of cavities, coffee can cause your teeth to lose their shine. By limiting both soda and coffee from your diet as much as possible, you will be protecting your teeth from cavities as well as becoming discolored!

Don’t Forget the Tongue

When brushing it’s easy to forget to take care of your tongue. By also brushing your tongue along with the rest of your teeth, you are taking a great step towards reducing the bacteria inside your mouth. While you don’t want to make yourself uncomfortable while doing so, a thorough tongue brushing can only help!

Get a Good Rinse

While brushing and flossing are certainly the most important steps to maintaining a healthy smile, using a good mouthwash regularly is also a great way to fight the bacteria in your mouth and keep your teeth sparkling and bright. If you are having trouble finding a good mouthwash (there certainly are a lot of options!), simply ask your dental professional as they will be sure to have recommendations on things to look for.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly 

Even by developing great habits in keeping your teeth clean, making sure to visit your dentist every 6 months is crucial to making sure everything is going as it should. By visiting your dentist regularly, you can not only get a thorough cleaning to remove any plaque buildup, but you will also benefit from having an oral exam to look for any cavities forming or potential issues.

Searching For the Best Dentist Near Me in Shelby Twp., MI?

If you are looking for the best dental group right here in the Shelby Twp. area, visit today! Or, give us a call at 586-247-3500 to schedule your dental appointment.