by Shelby Township Dentist | Nov 5, 2012 | Dental Emergencies
Hi this is Dr. Antolak from in Shelby Township, Michigan, 586-247-3500 is our phone number. And today I’m holding a little mannequin of teeth and the cool thing about this is that these teeth come out okay? And the purpose of what I want to...
by Shelby Township Dentist | Oct 26, 2012 | Root Canal
Shelby Township Dentist Explains Root Canal Retreatment Surgery and Grafting Dr Antolak: This is Dr. Antolak from . Here at the dental office here in Shelby Township, Michigan we do a whole host of different types of dental treatments. And today...
by Shelby Township Dentist | Oct 23, 2012 | Snap-On Smile
Shelby Township Dentist Explains Snap-On Smile Dr. Antolak: Hi this is Dr. Antolak from in Shelby Township in Michigan. Our phone number’s 586-247-3500. And I would like to talk with Jerry. Jerry is a patient of ours who came in and he had...
by Shelby Township Dentist | Oct 21, 2012 | Teeth Whitening
Kor Teeth Whitening in Shelby Township, MI Dr. Antolak: Hi, this is Dr. Antolak from We’re located out in Shelby Township, Michigan. Our phone number’s 586-247-3500. The new buzz in dental whitening right now is Kor bleaching....
by Shelby Township Dentist | Oct 19, 2012 | Dental Patient Testimonials
Dr. Antolak: Hi, this is Dr. Antolak from in Shelby Township, Michigan. And our phone number is 586-247-3500. Today we have Craig. It’s kind of a unique situation with Craig. He actually came to us how long ago? Maybe a year ago? Dental...