Hi, this is Dr. Antolak, welcome to our office. I’d love for you to come in to visit us, at our office. Just a little bit about myself. I’m a 1987 graduate of the University of Michigan. So, for the last 20 some odd years, dentistry’s been my passion. I’ve actually wanted to be a dentist since I was 8 years old. So I’m doing what I love every single day. So you may ask your question, as you’re doing your searches- Why would I want to come and visit you? Well, let me answer in just a couple of very short ways.
Number 1 is we are really different: Number one is I don’t want to hurt you. When I get people coming into the office, that’s one of their number one fears is the fear of the dentist and bad experiences they’ve had in the past. So we want to be able to deal with that, talk about it, and come to a resolution to help you out with that. We’re very friendly here at our office. I make sure that all of us on our team. We all have a common courtesy.
We want to be very inviting and to welcome you to our office as you see as you approach us and as you do look at our website a little bit more and you’ll see, some of the testimonials that some of our patients have given to us about what, what a great place this is to come. So, I say that with humility and I also say that, with the way that I can welcome you to come back into our office, and check it out. So, if you’d like to visit us, you can call us at our, at our phone which is 586-247-3500. Thank you.